
Monday, June 16, 2008

6 days gone, 1 left to endure

Finally. (I found out that I like to start posts with "finally"s. Weird, huh?)
The tough part of my school mid-terms are gone.

With the wind! =)

Tomorrow is the last day of exam, and I'm actually looking forward to it.
Not looking forward to the end of the exams, but looking forward to the Art exam.
I'm fully prepared for Art practical, where we have to draw a picture based on the title chosen.

And I chose a fishing boy.
Yes, well, I wanted to choose the scene at the railway station, but then my Art teacher said it's impossible to finish it in 2 hours time.
So now, I'm going for fishing.
Yes, dead, boring fishing.

It's better than drawing raw vegetables (sorry, Pei) or big unusual flowers in a mystical garden.
I mean, I wouldn't want to spend 2 hours doodling over the colour of my petite BIG flowers.
Come on, they're FLOWERS.

Forgive me. I'm crapping. It's the exams that turned us into this. Ask Pei. She wrote an experiment based on HERSELF.

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