
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Off The Tip of My Tongue

I think I could just kill Limewire right now if it were a breathing object.
I tell you it just bugs the hell outta me when I see the "network error" message.
Which means no music downloading until I-dunno-when.

Anyway, the finals have officially started and I, as usual, am screwed.
It's like I can never achieve a perfect average score but then again this is what I get for ditching intense listening to my teachers (unlike the rest of my verysmart classmates) when in class and the laziness to study for the exams until the very last minute.
Promising myself never gets me anywhere so I have stopped self-promises.

But as of a few weeks ago I have found the best ever inspiration to study because I do not want to be left out as the dumb one. And I will study my butt off and cram every single information in my head even if it kills me. Which is what I did for BM Lit. and am doing now for Chem.

BM Lit. was OK today, I feel proud for studying all 25 pieces of literature when all that came out was 2. I am pretty sure I got my answers right even though my fingers felt like they were torn apart by the end of the 2 1/2 hour non-stop-writing paper. :)
And as for English I wrote a proper ending for my essay this time! This is the big difference of bringing a watch to school and knowing how many insanely minutes are left to the end of the paper.

And now I'm off to study for Chem, whoopee!

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