
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Make A Leap

Alright, so I finally got the timetable to the PMR trials.
And guess what?

Science is in September, AFTER Merdeka Day.
And I've been cramming Science into my brain, when I should be focusing on Geography, since Geography is due NEXT FRIDAY and I haven't started a thing on Geo yet.

So, I've finally set up a study schedule (yay me!).
I doubt I'll go along with it, but as long as it takes to make me feel better, I'm fine with it. :)

I hear my mom screaming downstairs (again) in front of the TV.
She gets TOO caught up in the Olympic Games.
And of course, she supports China! :)

And that reminds me, Rhythmic Gymnastics is on tonight, Women Qualifications only.
But whatever it takes to watch their ribbon twirling.
And I've got to go now.

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