
Friday, July 4, 2008

For The Darlings

Hello, and despite me being really busy planning everything for tomorrow's Kids For Kids Charity Sale tomorrow at PWTC (forgot what it stands for, check it out yourself you lazy bum), I actually still have time to blog.

Right. For those of you who are free tomorrow and are bold enough to step out of your house, come come to the PWTC and BUY CAKES FROM ME.
I sell cheese tarts, chocolate moist cakes and some yummy muffins (er, I have cheese-something, Orange seed and chocolate chip)
And so, it may be a little expensive but it's for charity.
Remember people, charity for LITTLE KIDS.

And guess what? =)
I'll be spending 10 hours each day for Saturday and Sunday making rich people buy food to support the poor.
Like Robin Hood.
And if I know you, I'll give you a 50% discount for anything you buy.

I think I shall hang Mr Pee on my cellphone. =)

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