
Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Month's Difference

Firstly, I'd like to say- the government side won the debate motion of abolishing the prefectorial board. Too bad it's not going to really happen.

Secondly, I've waited two months for Chapter 192 to come out in the Tsubasa manga series and it finally came out. And so I thought I had to wait for another one month or so for the next chapter to come out, but when I checked the manga today, Chapter 193 came out ONE WEEK after Chapter 192 came out.
I have no idea why I'm blogging about this.

Thirdly, I am going to the Bon Odori festival tomorrow (a Japanese cultural festival. Not a food festival, mind you) and am going to pamper myself with sushi, octopus balls, and mini water balloon yoyos.

Fourthly, I am running out of things to blog.
Well, not really. Usually I think of something good and then when the blogging duration comes I just stare at the screen thinking of something nice to say.
Which I often fail.
You may notice how boring this blog is right now.

Fifth, I finally found Ugly Betty episodes to watch online so I will never be that bored again!

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