
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

As Promised :)

Paddington House of Pancakes.
I went there a few days ago for dinner, since my dad thought it would be nice to have a change to have pancakes for dinner instead of rice.
And he was right! :D

So anyway, I found out there were a few types of pancakes in the Paddington House.

Pancake #1: Pannekoek, pronounced as "pan-ne-kook". I ordered this for dinner.

Pancake #2: Galette, pronounced as "gah-let". I read it from the menu and took the liberty to remember it.

Pancake #3: Poffertjes. I have no idea how to pronounce this. I tried searching the menu for it but I must've missed it.

And then there were the drinks.
Mine tasted pretty nice but I wished I had gone for the ice-blended cappucino instead.

Dad's order: Fizzy Mango with Ginger. I forgot what it tasted like. Probably mango and ginger.

Mine!: Fizzy Berry. You can see all the berries at the bottom of the glass. I don't really like that. :/

Chelsea's order: I don't know what it's called but the blueberry pancakes were good.

And Mom's: Some cheese pancake thingy with prawns and erm, steak?

Oh yeah, it was very hot, so they gave us a label to warn us.

And my pannekoek! It wasn't all that nice, and Chelsea took away most of my cheese, so yeah. :/

Oh, and Dad's pancake-burger. I didn't try the burger but the fries were yummy. See the Paddington flag on top of the burger?

Oh and I went to Petrosains today as part of my after-PMR activities. We only had 2 and a half hours to browse through and I didn't get to play with most of the stuff. :/
But we did catch the sneak preview of the world's first humanoid robot- ASIMO. He was cute. :)
And if you want to know what's in Petrosains, go there for yourself.
And just for you sillies who don't know where it is, it's in KLCC. ;P
The End.
Oh and I got my phone back!
The End.

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