
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mad World

OHMYGOSH I am so tired of studying.
Except that, I didn't REALLY study for 15 hours a day like I originally planned to.
I mean, I DID study. While watching TV, that is. And listening to my ipod. And taking frequent "study breaks", and walking my dog, and playing with my dog. And texting. Lots and lots of texting.
But still, one can get tired of studying when one is SUPPOSED to be on holiday had not one's school stupidly set the exams to finish AFTER the holidays instead of BEFORE like THE REST THE WORLD.

Wow I just realised I used a lot of caps for this blog post.
Well never mind, maybe that'll attract more people to read this pathetic blog of mine.

Anyway, I think the exam spirit depression has hit a lot of people. Well, except me. I must be the sole person in CHS who doesn't feel a single thing about the exams.
Everywhere I text I get replies like 'What have you finished studying?' or 'Have you finished [insert subject here]?' or 'Will you study PJK and Civic? No right? Because no time, right?'
God, this holiday really really sucks.

Exam's arriving in one day and I am so not fully prepared.

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