
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour

Earth Hour.
27th March 2010.

During Earth Hour, I took a break from the computer and the designing and retreated to the candlelit terrace to finish my Chemistry Project. It was a total success. Not only did I save electricity, but I managed to finish the contents of my project. I even had the honor of being bitten by mosquitoes. Meh to that but yay to Earth Hour. :)

Unfortunately, my house was one of the few houses in my neighborhood which was in support of Earth Hour. Everybody else still had their lights on and were still watching TV. It's really sad that my neighbors don't acknowledge Earth Hour. Either that or they have no clue whatsoever about E.H.
Next year I shall paint a big banner about Earth Hour and hang it in the middle of the playground for everyone to see. Or I could go to Tenanga Nasional and ask them to switch off all electricity in the neighborhood and tell all the neighbors that it was a blackout.

Earth Hour FTW. :)

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