
Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Have No Idea What To Name This Post

I am definitely what most people would call a planner.
I plan things, though not obsessively. But, well, who on earth isn't a planner?

I'm just the kind of person who likes to plan an outline in her life. I like to gouge a pathway (even if it's just a sketch of the pathway) as to where I'm heading towards in the future. It gives me a sense of comfort and relief knowing that I'm not lost in the middle of nowhere, and that I at least have a road to walk on.
It's just like the whole which-university-should-i-go-to thing. Most people would go "Agh, you're just a Form 4. You've still got plenty of time to decide."
Which is quite true, I guess. But if you think about it. Being a Form 4 is just less than two years away from graduating, and to me that's like having less than two minutes to decide between buying a red dress of a blue one.
Okay that was a very lame example, and you probably don't get what I mean, because you're not Rachel The Life Planner. Not the Daily Planner, because I cannot stand planning every single detail of my life- that's not fun. But the Life Planner, as in I like to have an outline of my Life.

And just for the record, today is my Daddy's birthday, so:
Purple is the colour of royalty. Look it up.

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