
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Just the other day Mom and I found this kitten under Mom's car. There was a long story about how we thought Mom nearly squashed it, but she didn't and the kitten's fine.
So we adopted the kitten- temporarily. Until Thursday where Mom'll have the time to send Prince Simba (that's the kitten's name) to the Animal Shelter.

That's the second kitten we've rescued so far this year. And they are ADORABLE. :)
Prince Simba is nothing like Sophie- our first rescued kitten- because:
#1: He meows. A LOT. About 15 to 30 times per minute.
#2: He's a male kitten.
#3: I think he's afraid of heights.
#4: He can run away and hide under tables and cupboards and boxes when you turn around for 5 seconds and turn back again.

Pictures as below: :DDDDD

And as my sister says, he brings out my maternal instincts.
Which, bytheway, I think is SO TRUE LOH. :)

Oh and if you're reading this, I want you to know that it's okay. :)

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