
Friday, October 2, 2009

Quantum Bungaloo

Today is THE WORST DAY ever.
It was so bad, that I almost cried in school.

And then it got even worse when I was standing there waiting for Melody while she was discussing questions and answers at the top of her voice!
And everyone was so into discussion that no one even noticed my I-am-going-to-die-die-die-die-die face, not that I wanted them to notice it anyway.

The only thing I'm glad about now is that it's the weekends, glad that I have two free days of revision so as not to screw up the rest of my papers.
And this is not the kind of study-freak post where the author claims that she's going to die when all she really got was perhaps a B+ instead of an aimed A but is the kind of post where when the author she's going to die, she REALLY IS.

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