
Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's With Your Attitude?

Gosh. I'm bored out of studying.
I would love reading through the pages of my History reference book if only it were in English. And if only we were learning about World History. I mean, yeah, we sort of are, for the first few chapters only. And it's all about civilization.
Do you what would be civilized?
Yeah, allowing the students to study World History, and not the detailed happenings of our country. We know our country well enough (ohhhh, trust me on this), what we want to know is the world.

Ah well, at least I get to watch nigahiga. They upload the best, and the funniest videos of ALL time. They're like, THE Youtube Uploaders.
Right, and now back to studying. Nigahiga has just made my day. :)

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