I think, that Form 4 life is stressing me out. If it isn't stressing YOU out, then well, good for you! If it is, then, join the club.
My teachers (as I have often said many, many times) are weird.
My Biology teacher doesn't give us any extra exercise to do at all. So I have no idea how he expects us to pass the upcoming exam in 2 weeks.
My Chemistry teaches everything from the textbook and so I don't really see the point of listening to her in class.
And my Math teacher, OH MY MATH TEACHER. She doesn't stop talking. In fact, she NEVER stops talking. She should learn to hold her tongue, really, she should. Because the more she talks, the more frustrated and confused we all get by her explainations. Oh and her tone- the way she speaks- it's like she's so reluctant to teach us, because well, she practically drags every word she says. "Underrrrrstaaaaanddddd?" God, it's annoying.
Ah yes, and she also gives us a truckful of homework. It's like she thinks we have nothing else to do at home except do the exercises she gives us.
So yes, the exam is in 2 weeks, 2 WEEKS! And I haven't done much studying.
And I've just bought my reference books to Physics and Chemistry, but Biology is all out of stock. Well never mind about that now.
So, right now I have to finish all my homework, understand Modern Math, Physics and Biology, study and revise all the 10 exam subjects, and not die before the exam starts.
How can people say that Form 4 is a honeymoon year? Because I don't feel relaxed at all, in fact, I'd rather go back to Form 3 and retake PMR if I could. Really, because Form 4, is just demanding and busy.
Oh yes, and I have to congratulate Pei for being an aunt. :)