Day Before Exam
Exam subjects tomorrow: Malay, Paper One and Two
I was feeling fine with those two subjects, and I made this clever decision to read the malay novel stuff on the very day before the exam. And that's where I started to panic, when I realised how many things I had to memorise and how little time I have. Plus, I have to revise a bit on my tatabahasa, and read a bit of model karangans.
In the end, I spent the whole night reading novel and memorising the stupid binaan plot, since everyone said it would come out.
Day One
Exam subjects: Malay, Paper One and Two
In the van on the way to school, I was reading the model karangans on masalah discipline and sukan, since according to tips, those were the things that were bound to come out.
In school, I got so nervous that I was actually shaking. Yes, shaking. I didn't feel shaky at all, so imagine my surprise when I found out that my right hand was quivering when I fiddled for my 2B pencil.
After recess, I recapped everything on novel and ignored karangan completely. And when I got the question paper for Paper 2, I was horrified when I found out nothing from what I read from the tips came out. NONE at all. (bloody, stupid tips)
But I still did fine, and I have to declare that I'm rather proud of myself. :)
Day Two
Exam Subjects: English, Paper One and Two; Science, Paper One and Two
In the van, I took out my Science to read, and I spent the whole morning reading the chapter on Reproduction, since it must be the longest-chapter-ever and I had a feeling it was going to come out in the exams.
English was fine, that's nothing to talk about. *cheeky grin*
During lunch, I continued my studying on Reproduction, when this HUGE WASP came buzzing about, and it was also carrying a BIG FAT GREEN CATERPILLAR. So all the girls' in the girls' canteen sitting near the wasp were all dodging here and there. And when Pei came back from buying her ice-cream (she wasn't there when the wasp was there), we told her about the wasp, and she got so freaked out she screamed at this tiny little bug which flew at her face. *grin*
In the end the wasp came back, but the caterpillar was gone (it probably ate it. Ewwww.) and Pei started screaming and Michelle was pushing JesCee to get out of the way to safety. XD
Science was fine. I managed to finish all the questions, considering how many people nearly missed and some missed the last two questions of Science Paper Two. Ow.
And btw, NOTHING came out from Reproduction, except for this sterility part. But everyone knows that, that's common sense. Wth.
Day Three (Today)
Exam Subjects: Math, Paper One and Two; History
As usual, I was studying in the van. I had spent the whole last night reading Form 2 of History, since I never ever do read Form 2, and was continuing to read Form 2 today, until after lunch.
Math was fine, but I had one careless mistake for Paper One, and let me tell you that that was a very ridiculously easy question and I shouldn't have even made a single mistake.
After lunch (which I ate 'nasi lemak' and it wasn't even that tasty), me, Agnes and YuenXin headed up to the Prefect Bridge and we were planning to sit there studying until we had to go in our rexpective Examination Classrooms. But then this teacher came and told us off for sitting too close to the Examination Classrooms, so we headed down to the Pondok to study (surprisingly nice and silent there) for 1 hour and yet History still SUCKED. Big time.
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