No one knew how impossible it seemed for the commitee (especially YuLi since she was our beloved head) to learn how to plan and plan this year's photo shoot from scratch. But we got it done, so HIGHFIVE! :D
Oh and we had some really nice entertainment, by the probationers under the instructions of Aaron. Haha. CHICKEN DANCE!
Oh and spelling-MississippiAaronIsAwesome-with-your-butt was funny, too! And they did all those just to get Aaron's signature for the signature drive.
Oh oh oh oh oh! And we did this torment chain thingy, where to get like, one person's signature, the person will ask you to do something that involves another person, and that person will ask you to do another thing involving another person and so on.
So so awesome right? Mwahahaha.
And I feel so tanned. And so much less stressed out.
We ought to celebrate the success of this photo shoot!
Will see about that! ;)
Plus I definitely feel closer to my fellow commitee members.
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